From working with teenagers and giving them the tools to have more confidence and less anxiety to developing coaching programs that recover trauma and grief, the work is beyond fulfilling.
COVID lockdown provided so many healing opportunities and the loss of my own Dad spurred me to create a healing program centered on recovering from loss.
Marisa’s love, wisdom, and teachings gave me the cornerstone to pivot from house cleaner and I have never looked back.
Anyone that is considering learning how to become an RTT® practitioner I would highly recommend the journey.
I’ve gone from house cleaning to having experienced a month in Florida, coaching alongside some amazing mentors, walking the Camino, healing teenagers from suicidal destruction, speaking on stages, holding workshops, and creating programs. It’s a well worth journey which I continue to love.”
Life before RTT was, well mundane! I always felt like there was something missing, I knew I had passion but hadn’t connected that with my purpose.
I used money saved from extra cleaning jobs to pay for my training, I felt so compelled to achieve this and it gave me the determination to achieve RTT Practitioner.
I think the biggest fear I had was seeing myself actually in the role of helping people, in the beginning, I couldn’t see a version of myself other that what I knew, but I also knew I had to feel the fear and do it anyway, I couldn’t let fear stop me from achieving this dream, I knew I’d live with regret if I didn’t at least try!
December 2018 I did my last cleaning job, and my god did that feel good, I was finally in a position to say goodbye to house cleaning and concentrate on people cleaning, there was no great fan fair just the most complete feeling inside of stepping in line with purpose.
There isn’t a single thing I’d class as my biggest success, daily I make an impact in my corner of the world, changing lives, inspiring change, healing trauma, preventing a suicide, these are daily successes that I am proud to be a part of.”